Results of Our Activities

Our major research achievements include:

  1. publishing a scholarly periodical – since 2010, our department has been publishing the Social Work Forum journal included in the list of peer-reviewed periodicals by the Czech Research, Development and Innovation Council
  2. organising academic conferences and seminars – independently (“Perspectives of Social Work”, 2010 and “Reflecting on the Direction of the Department of Social Work”, 2016) or in cooperation with other universities (“Days of Social Work” together with Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and Tomas Bata University in Zlín, 2010, 2011, 2012; “Social Services – A Pillar of European Society” together with Pedagogical University in Łódź, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Catholic University in Ružomberok, and Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra), an international seminar on the occasion of the 80th anniversary since the establishment of social casework practice in Czechia in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic, the Association of Citizens Advice, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, and Comenius University in Bratislava
  3. our involvement in the preparation of legislation – the preparation of the law on social workers, including organising seminars for the community of experts about the form of the law, participation in the preparation of the existing laws – e. g., Act No. 45/2013 Sb., on Victims of Crime, Act No. 40/2009 Sb., Criminal Code, Act No. 218/ 2003 Sb., on Juvenile Justice, and the preparation of Act No. 257/2000 Sb., Probation and Mediation Service Act, and others
  4. creating and developing new social work specializations – in particular social work in criminal justice (relating to probation and mediation) – Prof. JUDr. Helena Válková, CSc. prepared the educational content, and, with the help of students, she founded the Association for Probation and Mediation, which implements this specialization in practice; social work focusing on people with serious mental illnesses is another specialization being developed
  5. preparing textbooks and monographs in this field – our work on essential educational texts, which have been republished and widely used for educational purposes, was crowned by publishing Encyklopedie sociální práce [Encyclopaedia of Social Work] (Matoušek et al., 2013), a collective work of 85 authors from Bohemian and Moravian universities
  6. under the leadership of doc. Oldřich Matoušek, the project of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic has led to the creation of a detailed overview of most job positions where students can go for internships and work during or after their studies. Click here for more information:



Essential fieldspecific textbooks and monographs
Vzdělávací standardy v sociální práci (Tomeš et al., 1997), Sociální politika (Tomeš, 1996, 2001), Základy sociální práce (Matoušek et al., 2001, 2007, 2012), Sociální správa: úvod do teorie a praxe (Tomeš et al., 2002, 2009), Metody a řízení sociální práce (Matoušek et al., 2003, 2008, 2013), Sociální práce v praxi (Matoušek, Kodymová, Koláčková et al., 2005, 2010), Sociální služby (Matoušek et al., 2007, 2011), Krizová intervence (Vodáčková et al., 2002, 2007, 2012), Sociální právo Evropské unie (Tomeš, Koldinská, 2003) a Slovník sociální práce (Matoušek, 2003, 2008).

Recent publications important for the field of social work
Sociální právo České republiky (Tomeš, 2014, 2016), Historie české sociální práce (Kodymová, 2013), Základy kriminologie a trestní politiky (Válková, 2012), Obory sociální politiky (Tomeš, 2011), Úvod do teorie a metodologie sociální politiky (Tomeš, 2010).

New topics in social work
Rozvoj hospicové péče a její bariéry (Tomeš et al, 2015), Děti a rodiče v rozvodu (Matoušek et al., 2015),  Psychiatrie pro sociální pracovníky (Probstová, Pěč, 2014), Aktuální otázky vězeňství (Válková et al., 2014), Zákon o obětech trestných činů (Gřivna, Šámal, Válková et al., 2014), Hodnocení ohroženého dítěte a rodiny: v kontextu plánování péče (Matoušek, Pazlarová, 2014), Mládež a delikvence: možné příčiny, struktura, programy prevence kriminality mládeže (Matoušek, Matoušková, 2011), Šance na vysokoškolské vzdělání osob se zdravotním postižením (Šámalová, 2016)

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